Gold has been a popular precious metal for coinage and jewellery for centuries. The Egyptian are probably the first to create works of art with gold, and to use clay ware to separate gold from other metals and impurities. While in China, gold and silver were used as ornaments and traded commodity as early as the Xia Dynasty. Gold, as a symbol of wealth, became widely used in ornaments by the nobles during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods. Except for a store of value, people now place greater emphasis on the designs and patterns of gold ornaments.

Electroformed Gold Articles

In the electroforming process, pure gold is layered onto a wax model of the desired design, which is melted and removed later. Electroforming technology enables jewellery manufacturers to produce hollow-shaped and light-weight gold articles of complex and amazing design. Hollow ornaments can save up to two-thirds of gold consumption in manufacturing.

Wedding Bangles

According to the Chinese tradition, the parents of the bride and the groom will give the bride a pair of gold bangles, called "dragon and phoenix bangles", as gift symbolizing a blissful union and love of the wedding couple. Today, the elderly also like to choose a pair of dragon and phoenix bangles or bracelets in fashionable design as gift to the bride, wishing the couple a happy life together. The bride usually wears all the gold jewellery received on the wedding day to express her thanks to friends and relatives.

Hong Kong regulation :

千足金 : It contains 99.99% pure gold and is stamped "千足金" or "Au999.9".
足    金 : It contains not less than 99.9% pure gold and is stamped "足金" or "Au999"

 Mainland China regulation :

足    金 : It contains not less than 99% pure gold and is stamped "足金" or "Au990"