[Chinese Version Only] 贊助「健康快車慈善拍賣2011」活動
(中文(繁體)) (2011年12月2日) ─ 六福集團(國際)有限公司(「六福」/「該集團」) (股票編號:00590)贊助由香港健康快車慈善基金會舉辦的「健康快車慈善拍賣2011」活動,幫助...
Lukfook Announces Interim Results for the Six Mont...
Financial Highlights HKD For the period ended 30th September 2011 ...
Awarded “Corporate Strategy Excellence Award 2011”
(7 Sep 2011) - Lukfook Holdings (International) Limited (“Lukfook“ / the “Group”) (Stock Code: 00590...
Attains First Place in “Ordering Oxfam Rice (Organ...
(25 July 2011) ------ Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (“Lukfook” / “the Group”) (SEHK Code...
Won “2011 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Custome...
(6 July 2011) ── Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (“Luk Fook” / “the Group”) (Stock Code: 0...
Lukfook Announces Annual Results For the Year Ende...
Financial Highlights HKD For the year ended 31 March 2011 2010 Changes (%) ...
Attained “2011 Outstanding Quality Tourism Service...
(27 June 2011) ── Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (“Luk Fook” / “the Group”) (Stock Code: ...
Sponsored "2010/2011 Walks for Millions" Held by T...
(30 May 2011) Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (“Luk Fook”/ “the Group”) (Stock Code: 00590...
Grand Opening of the 6th Retail Outlet at Galaxy M...
(17 May 2011) Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (“Luk Fook” / the “Group”) (Stock Code: 0059...
Attained the Honour of “Manpower Developer” in “ER...
(29 April 2011) ------ Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (“Luk Fook“ / the “Group”) (Stock C...
Obtained “Caring Company 2010/11 Logo” from Hong K...
(21 April 2011) ------ Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (“Luk Fook“ / the “Group”) (Sto...
[Chinese Version Only] 執行董事兼營運經理黃浩龍先生獲委任為第三屆葵青區消防安...
(中文(繁體)) 六福集團執行董事兼營運經理黃浩龍先生榮獲香港消防處委任為葵青區消防安全大使名譽會長,任內將就葵青區內消防安全大使活動及發展提供意見和協助。黃浩龍先生日前出席就職典禮,並...