Lukfook Group Won “Hong Kong Service Awards” for Eleven Consecutive Years

(28 March 2018) — Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (“Lukfook” / the “Group”) (Stock Code: 00590) is pleased to announce that the Group received the “Hong Kong Service Awards 2018 – Quality Living Category (Jewellery and Gold)” from “East Week Magazine”, recognigzing the Group’s contribution in providing quality services, improving citizens’ quality of life, facilitating economic prosperity,and strengthening Hong Kong’s position as a top international city.

Mr. Wong Wai Sheung, Chairman and Chief Executive of the Group said, “Upholding the motto of ‘Exquisite Craftsmanship, Quality Services and Customer Orientation’, the Group keeps providing our customers with quality jewellery, professional and heartfelt services. It is exhilarating to receive the ‘Hong Kong Service Awards’ for eleven consecutive years. Looking into the future, we will continuously adhere to the principles of ‘Six Heartfelt Services’ to make each and every customer feel at home, so as to lead the Hong Kong jewellery industry to move forward in the international market.”

The “Hong Kong Service Awards”, launched by “East Week Magazine” since 2004. This year, the theme is “Excellence in Service Never Ends”. It aims to recognize industry veterans who have endeavoured to give customers quality services, enriched Hong Kong citizens’ lives and enhanced the city’s image in the global arena.

Photo of the ceremony:

Ms. Shirley Wong, Executive Director and Deputy General Manager of the Group
received “Hong Kong Service Awards 2018 – Quality Living Category (Jewellery and Gold)”
from Mr. Joseph Chan, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury

